The star of every celebration.
Proposal of new brand architecture including redesigns of the gift and seasonal portfolios
The Challenge
The gift and seasonal products all had different identities, which worked as individual subbrands, but not as one unified brand. One of the goals was to unite the lineup and thus strengthen the ORION brand.
1) Unififcation of subbrands under on brand.
2) Increase attractiveness for a younger target audience, without losing the older buyers.

During the brand audit, we identified the absence of emotions associated with the products and the lack of fulfillment of the Brand’s Essence „Our Chocolate Joy“.
During concept creation we decided not only to develop the value ‘JOY’ but to also add ‘PRIDE’.
‘PRIDE’ becomes the key symbol for tradition, which is also more relevant for the younger audience than to communicate the tradition itself.
Subsequently, we intensively searched for symbols that engagingly communicate the values of JOY and especially PRIDE. Given the brand’s rich history, pride is in order.
Během auditu značky jsme identifikovali absenci emocí spojených s produkty a nedostatek naplnění Brand Essence značky „Our Chocolate Joy“.
Při tvorbě konceptů jsme se rozhodli kromě zpracování hodnoty „JOY“ přidat další „PRIDE“.
„PRIDE“ se stává klíčovým symbolem pro tradici, která je zároveň pro mladší skupinu relevantnější, než komunikovat tradici jako takovou.
Následně jsme intenzivně hledali symboly, které poutavě komunikují hodnoty JOY a zejména PRIDE. Vzhledem k historii značky je hrdost na místě.
The Discovery
Symbol map
We tested our concepts through in-depth interviews, based on which we defined the Symbol Map — symbols, that best represent category needs as well as fulfilling the values of Pride and Joy.
Based on the Symbol Map we subsequently created the final graphical proposal.
01) The symbol of pride is represented by the ORION star, which is confidently presented in a large format.
02) Prominent color coding allows us to work with products in series.
03) We build on history — we use graphical patterns inspired by Zdeňek Rykr, the graphical designer responsible for the first packaging designs of ORION.
04) High quality premium foodshots that encourage you to taste them.

The Discovery
Symbol map
We tested our concepts through in-depth interviews, based on which we defined the Symbol Map — symbols, that best represent category needs as well as fulfilling the values of Pride and Joy.
Based on the Symbol Map we subsequently created the final graphical proposal.
01) The symbol of pride is represented by the ORION star, which is confidently presented in a large format.
02) Prominent color coding allows us to work with products in series.
03) We build on history — we use graphical patterns inspired by Zdeňek Rykr, the graphical designer responsible for the first packaging designs of ORION.
04) High quality premium foodshots that encourage you to taste them.

The Solution
Working with the ORION star — the key brand symbol — led to the unification of product lines across the portfolio and better in-store visibility.
With this we returned pride to the brand and thanks to the graphical patterns, strong colors and accent on foodshots the brand is rated as more attractive.
The new architecture also allows the use of key symbols in other categories including gifts and seasonal products. Ultimately, the products are also more attractive for a younger audience.
The result
This is why we do what we do
„So far we have only received positive feedback, not only internally, but also from our business partners.“

Lucie Klusáková
Nestlé, CEE Brand business lead Gifting and Seasonal confectionery